Industrial Furnaces & Burners

Walking Hearth Furnace / Walking Beam Furnace

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Walking Hearth Furnace / Walking Beam Furnace




• The walking beam furnace allows the product to be heated from all sides, where a walking hearth furnace only allows product to be heated from top

• The walking hearth furnace allows the charge to be transported through the furnace by lift and shift mechanism.

• There is no major mechanism difference between walking hearth and walking beam furnace

Attractive Features

  1. Simplicity of Design and Ease of Construction
  2. Very effective heating and soaking of billets.
  3. Ability to cater for different billet sizes (within limits), negligible water cooling energy losses and no physical markings on charge.

Fuel Used - F.O. / Producer Gas/ Coal Gas / Natural Gas/ Dual Fuel

Standard Output - 5 TPH to 75 TPH

Raw Material Size - 100 x 100 to 160 x 160

Billet Length - 1.5 Mtr. to 12 Mtr.