Furnace Profiling

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Furnace Profiling

  • Most of the time we measure and control furnace temperature without measuring actual temperature of the charge. Furnace profiling system is the term used to describe the process of recording and interpreting the temperature of charge during actual production. Temperature data is measured continuously using thermocouples connected directly to charge ( Billets ) across different cross section and different location. Temperature data collected from the profiling operation provides a graph / profile showing actual temperature the charge experienced during the entire heating process i.e. from charge to discharge. Temperature profiling delivers reliable data to optimize heating process, soaking time & correction in furnace temperature.


    1. Thermal Analysis of product.
    2. Control product quality.
    3. Improper heating zone detection.
    4. Increase productivity.
    5. Minimize fuel cost.
    6. Improvement in heating cycle and process.