Aluminium Melting Furnace
Roller Hearth Annealing Furnace
Walking Hearth Furnaces are mainly used for alloy steel with charge sizes of higher cross section. We design these furnace ensuring uniform heat distribution. This is most critical so as to ensure uniform temperature across the cross section of the billet.
These are mainly used for Alloy Steel & SS Material.
- Capacity - 30 TPH to 70 TPH
- Fuel - FO / CNG / Coal Gas / LPG
- Charge - 6" to 12" Sq x 6 to 12 mtr long
- Consumptn - 32 Lit / Ton of FO
The added benefits of using a Walking Hearth Funace are:-
- Better Temperature uniformity of 30° C
- Scale loss less than 1%
- No skid marks on the charge material.
- Furnace can be emptied from either side
- Charging pusher is lighter or may be totally eliminated
- Any size combination can be changed in the furnace